Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Japan Day 4: Hiroshima

   Hiroshima was really hard for me but I'm glad that I went. My grandfather served in WW2 in the Pacific Theater and though he didn't talk much about what he actually did (though we found his journals after he passed) he made it clear that the war was between the governments and not the people. He taught us about the events of the war in a balanced manner and took us to Pearl Harbor as well as the ruins of a Japanese internment camp. When he did speak of Hiroshima and Nagasaki he said it was unimaginably horrible, especially for humans to do to each other, and basically just told us the facts of what had happened.

   Being there in the museum and reading the stories made it more real. I had known that they were people just like me but I couldn't really wrap my mind around the devastation until I saw it. I honestly had to skim the last little bit of the museum and get out into the sunshine.

   The city is beautiful now. There are trees and flowers and a park with choirs and musicians and it's amazing and vibrant and there are so many people.

   Afterwards we had a group discussion  and were given the evening to do whatever. Tiffany, her friend Kaori and I went out for okonomiyaki which is a Hiroshima specialty.
It has cabbage, cuttlefish, shrimp, bacon and a few other things in it. It's actually really good.


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